Name: OMI
Title: Offene Mobilitätsinfrastruktur
Period: 2021 – 2024
OMI supports municipalities in making mobility reliable, sustainable and user-friendly. To achieve this, a digital mobility infrastructure is to be created in addition to existing analog infrastructure, such as roads. evemo is leading the BMBF-funded research project and coordinating the development and testing of the open mobility infrastructure.
Titel: Mobility Intelligence as a Service
Period: 2020 – 2023
MIAAS creates a European open source platform for decision making with mobility data. evemo supports the BMVI funded project regarding the integration of mobility services in less densely populated areas and focuses on open data standards like GBFS (General Bikeshare Feed Specification) and MDS (Mobility Data Specification).
Name: MaaS L.A.B.S.
Title: Nutzer*innen-zentrierte Mobility-as-a-Service-Plattform: Lebendig, Automatisiert, Bedarfs- & Sharing-orientiert
Period: 2019 – 2023
MaaS L.A.B.S. is shaping the the transformation of transport through a flexible and demand-oriented local public transport system that extends its efficient services with automated microbuses and combines them with new car, bike and ride sharing services. evemo supports the BMBF-funded project in the development of a decentralized, blockchain-based sharing platform.
Name: MobilCharta5
Title: Mobilität in einer neuen Ebene – Innovativ, flächensparend, klimaschützend und umweltschonend am Beispiel des südöstlichen „Bergischen RheinLands“
Period: 2021 – 2024
MobilCharta5 aims to develop an innovative, sustainable, land-saving, climate-protecting and environmentally friendly mobility system (continuous, barrier-free and safe means of transport). evemo supports the BMBF-funded project in transferring the results to other (rural) municipalities.
We are happy about cooperation requests and an exchange about our research projects. Please feel free to leave us a message via the contact form.